Sponsors - Floral Business International
Sponsorship Packages
Floral International Business - May 20th & 21st
Floral Business International brings together an inspiring group of floral businesses with attendance made up of 80% US and 20% International. Our focus is to share the products and tools that help designers grow to be more efficient and more profitable in their business. We understand the power of having your product or service in front of this growing flower focused audience and have created a series of Sponsorship opportunities for you to choose from
In an industry flooded by social media and tailored advertising, it can be challenging to connect with your audience and even more challenging to create lasting and valuable relationships that move beyond a cell phone screen. This opportunity to get in front of this audience is so valuable in this digital era.
Sponsorship Levels:
Contributor: $1,500
Are you eager to get involved, but not ready to be a full-scale sponsor? We would love to have you involved as a Contributor.
Contributor's will receive:
- Promotional gift/item distributed to attendees in your name (You are required to ship your promotional item to Intrigue 22109 Beaven Drive Denton, MD 21629 on or before May 15th in order to have your item included in the gift bags)
- Listing in our Vendor Guide
- Email blast promoting your product or service to attendees
- Dedicated Instagram posts featuring your product or service (1posts broadcast to 100,000+)
- Facebook posts featuring your product or service (1 posts broadcast to 7,000+)
- Access to 2 “Floral Business International” tickets. These tickets may be used by your team or may be gifted to your customers. In order to access these tickets you will receive a private CODE after purchasing your sponsorship package.
- Opportunity to have a booth space at “Floral Business International” at no additional charge (see details below)
- Listing on the www.floralbuisnessinternational.com website for 6 months
Full-Sponsorship: $5,000
Do you want to get more involved? Would you like to take the stage and speak to the audience or demonstrate for the audience your product or service? This is the best way to connect with this audience in a captive and engaging manner. Each full Sponsor will have the option of presenting a 15 Minute presentation, talk or demonstration.
Full-Sponsors will receive EVERYTHING included in the Contributor package, as well as:
- Access to 2 “Floral Business International” tickets. These tickets may be used by your team or may be gifted to your customers. In order to access these tickets you will receive a private CODE after purchasing your sponsorship package.
- Email blast promoting your product or service (2 emails sent to 20,000+)
- Dedicated Instagram posts featuring your product or service (2 posts broadcast to 100,000+)
- Instagram “Story” showcasing your product/Service on the @intrigue_designs account broadcast to 100,000+
- listing in our Vendor Guide
- Social media "Thank You's" featuring your product or service leading up to, during and after Conference (5 posts)
Exclusive Sponsorship: $10,000 __________________________________________________
Are you excited about the way we have connected the flower world through Influencer Marketing? Are you ready to reap the benefits of being the only company we buzz about in your category? We would love to have you as our one and only!
Exclusive Sponsors will receive EVERYTHING included in the Contributor & Full-Sponsorship packages, as well as:
- Exclusivity of being the only sponsor in your category.
- 30 Minute Presentation on stage alongside Sarah Campbell educating the audience about your product or service.
Headline Sponsorship: $50,000 __________________________________________________
Are you ready to make a BIG splash? Do you want to have your company front and center connecting you to the professional wedding and event floral industry through Influencer Marketing as only Intrigue has been able to do? We would love to discuss the opportunity of partnering with you as our Headline Sponsor!
Headline Sponsors will receive everything included in the Contributor, Full-Sponsorship & Exclusive Sponsorship packages, as well as:
- Access to 20 “Floral Business International” tickets. These tickets may be used by your team or may be gifted to your customers. In order to access these tickets you will receive a private CODE after purchasing your sponsorship package.
- Your name added to all Floral Business International marketing and promotional efforts for 12 months.
(Floral Business International Logo & branding will be re-worked to represent our partnership.) For 12 months this conference will be known as:
"Floral Business International Sponsored by (______YOUR COMPANY NAME /logo HERE______)” Logo adjusted accordingly
For the first time in Intrigue History we will be offering vendor booths. As this is the first time we are offering booths we have a lot to learn and we appreciate your feedback to make this part of the sponsorship offerings run more smoothly. All sponsors who sign up for one of the above PAID Sponsorship levels will receive a booth to showcase your products or services at no additional charge to you. Each booth will be approximately 8x8 and will include 1 6ft rectangular table. You will need to confirm your booth space no later than May 5, 2019 in order to receive this upgrade at no additional charge.