Networking for the Floral Introvert
Flowers are your passion…networking? Not so much. But, in order to grow your business, you need to grow your relationships! Networking is an integral part of success in the wedding industry.
Conquer uncomfortable networking with this crash course!
Push past anxiety, stress and awkward moments by learning to master each and every networking event. I’ll walk you through my sure-fire tips (hands-full, mocktail mixers, singular focus, the exit strategy, and the follow-up) so that you can maximize your relationships. Learn which techniques don’t work as well as you might think, and which events to prioritize in order to expand the right relationships.
If you feel like networking is a waste of time…
If you feel like you’ll be the odd-on-out…
If you feel like you’re not sure where to start once you’re in the door…
THIS course is for you!
Individual download - Priced as marked
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